communication; understanding; action
It’s great if you can avoid conflict in your relationships with other people!
I’ll be 22 soon, and it’s been quite a journey so far. I’ve had the chance to experience many different things, including all the relationships and interactions I’ve had with thousands of people. Seeing the many other characters and types of people on this earth has been incredible. I’m still unsure how patterns form between humans so that they can connect in a circle of life that shares thoughts, actions, and feelings.
The emotional shape created in a relationship with one or more others triggers many lessons to be learned. Human relationships are not predictable. After I looked deeper, I understood what intertwines in human relationships like that in my life. I identified three emotional triggers: communication, understanding, and action.
Do you always resort to the “silent treatment” to deal with your conflicting feelings towards others? Or do you tend to sum up what you want to say to them? If you do both, we’re in the same boat.
I’ve reached a point where I’m starting to understand myself better. I can describe what’s going on in my mind and heart, and I’m learning to stand up for myself. I’m also learning to take steps to convey what I want to say. In the past, I was reticent and didn’t say much. I would let what happened be the opposite of what I thought and felt. I figured it was just my weakness in managing my emotions. I was too much of a pushover to stand up for myself when it came to feelings that weren’t good for me. I could easily shut it all down, making others connected to it feel like they didn’t have to bother to find out.
Yes, I’ve realized that I’ve been the cause of a lot of miscommunications in my life. It didn’t bother me much in the past, but as I’ve gotten older, it’s become a big reflection of my development. If I used to cry in frustration after bottling up all the bad feelings, now I’ve started pushing myself to act differently. The small changes I can make are validating my feelings and thoughts towards someone, which makes me uncomfortable and sad. Even if it takes a long time for me to come to terms with it all, at least I can convey it later when I feel the time is right.
I believe that communication is the foundation of any issues that can arise in a human relationship.
If we build a solid communication foundation, we can avoid misunderstandings and unravel discomfort and conflict in our minds and hearts. However, is communication enough? For me, it’s not. When I started working on being more respectful of myself, I thought communicating well was all I needed to do to resolve conflicts in my relationships. I soon realized that wasn’t enough. There were still issues that needed to be addressed even after we had communicated effectively.
I believe that understanding is the result of the way we communicate.
Further, after successfully addressing communication, we need to bring in understanding as well. It has to come from two or more different heads working together in a straight line. If we don’t understand each other, then our communication is pointless. Instead of trying to get one person to agree with the other, we should focus on understanding each other’s point of view. This will help us to convey our messages more effectively. To understand, you have to be empathetic and open to seeing the other person’s perspective, as well as being able to listen actively. If the message you’re communicating doesn’t match what’s acceptable, then keep discussing until you’ve got it right. Avoid making false interpretations, don’t assume anything, and confirm everything until you’re sure.
Once we understand something, it’s easier to get each other on the same page.
This allows us to take action and respond to what’s been received and understood. However, people often forget that when they reach the stage of understanding, no action is taken. This can make everything futile and replay the existing conflict. The action you choose is also a judgment on whether it can be the ultimate solution to the conflict you’re addressing. If you choose the wrong action, it’ll make everything worse, like going back to square one. So, we, in particular, need to be mature in choosing the right action, as well as others will do the same with us.
Have you ever heard the saying, “Plant what you want to reap in the future” or “What you plant is what you reap”? Applying such principles can help us navigate human relationships.
By giving the right things to ourselves, we can avoid things that are contrary to our lives. This won’t always be the case, struggles will always exist, but minimizing them is a good goal to have.
Yes, from all that I’ve said, can you see how complicated human relationships are in this world? They can happen within the scope of your family, friends, colleagues, and lovers. It’s essential to form a relationship with someone that both you and them can be comfortable with.
That’s all for me, thanks for reading!